Come cantante e musicista Reno ha suonato in molte bands dal Maryland all California; suona batteria , basso e chitarra. In SecondLife Reno canta su delle backing tracks.
Reno ha avuto l' opportunità di incidere per una casa discografica Nashville , Tennessee dove ha suonato al Tootsie's Lounge ed al Wildhorse Saloon. Il suo stile musicale include più di 150 canzoni in vari stili, dal Classic Rock al Country, dal Pop alla Dance & Oldies. In SL non vede l'ora di esibirsi e di farsi nuovi amici.
As a singer and musician Reno has played in bands from Maryland to California; the instruments he plays are drums, bass, and guitar. On SecondLife Reno sings to backing tracks.
Reno has had the opportunity to do some demo work for a company in Nashville and has performed live in Nashville Tennessee at Tootsie's Lounge and Wildhorse Saloon. His style of music includes over 150 songs is styles such as, Classic Rock, Country, Pop, Dance, & Oldies. Reno is looking forward to entertaining in SecondLife and making new friends.
Contact Information:
Website: www.rockinreno.com
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