Trowzer Boa aka Dave Renz è un sassofonista e compositore di San Francisco: nei suoi concerti in Second Life ricrea l'atmosfera cool e vibrante dei locali jazz della sua città.
Trow inworld si fa accompagnare dalla sua Robot Band:in realtà i Robot sono la riproduzione in 3d dei programmi di software utilizzati dal musicista per creare gli arrangiamenti che fanno da sfondo al suo sax, rigorosamente suonato live.
Musica e tecnologia si coniugano ancora una volta per dare vita in Second Life a godibilissime performances live
Trowzer Boa is rl saxophonist/composer Dave Renz. Dave Renz performs on the east Coast, playing mainly acoustic jazz. For information about his latest projects and products check him out at www.daverenz.com. (You can listen to samples and buy original music there, and find out when he will be in your area!)
The Robot Band symbolizes the music programs used to create the sounds you hear tonight...any voice and sax you hear is me, live...any other sound is created through a series of software packages. Working with the robot band allows me to provide a great sound in sl, yet still play my instrument live and spontaneaously.
It is my hope that as I gain comfort with the technology we will bring a variety of jazz related music to SL, including cooperative projects with other live SL musicians from across the globe.
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